Green clashes and its element is earth - It is created from the two primary colours blue and yellow and it is only when we integrate our two sides, our conscious and unconscious mind and align with the wisdom of the heart that we can truly open to universal flow, balance and harmony. We may have learnt the harshest of lessons that love is not, in fact, conditional. We must nurture and tend to our own needs so our own cup is over-flowing otherwise we fall into the tendency to rescue others and to try to fix them in our desire to be supported. We may have tried to find love outside of our self and become conflicted on the inside. As we heal our two disparate sides, our words, in the blue, then become a loving and considered expression of who you really are and our will, in the yellow, becomes a force for love not fear.
Green’s lesson is to go inside awhile and reflect on who we really are, spiritual beings in a body having a human experience. When we can truly understand our soul selves and trust our intuitive intelligence ahead of the ego we are well on the way to embodying a wholesome and fulfilling life.
If you would like to learn more about your own specific soul path colours and its lessons then book a reading with me here.
“If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.”