The cones in our eyes only respond to the three primary colours: red, yellow and blue. When we look at the colour blue, the cone which responds to blue sends the signal to the brain that it is seeing blue. All colours are made from the mixing of the three primary colours- red, blue and yellow. Because we have only three different colours of cones, we aren't able to see all colours. Ultraviolet light, for example, is a colour that isn't able to be seen.
There are three tendencies that relate to each of the primary colours, blue, red, and yellow. Each of us incarnates with a tendency toward a specific colour, calculated by reviewing the soul path colours based around the date of birth – so depending on what we have set up for ourselves, we live out the qualities of that colour.
Click on one of the colour elementals below to see which one calls you.
“For the sceptics, the logical, and the resistant, you will find a trusting refuge and long- awaited catalyst in Kath. She is the mother — wise and firm, magnanimous and loving — to ignite or accelerate your journey of personal, professional, and spiritual growth. Through your work, veils will lift, momentum will generate, and your life will transform as you fall deeply in love with yourself. Expect to gracefully and rapidly expand on all levels as Kath mirrors your own magic back to you. If you are being called to transform and thrive, there is no better moment to begin your journey with Kath.”

“If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke